Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Great River

Once upon a time the North wind whipped, whirled and swirled. The snow fell here, there and everywhere. The Great Wind thought to himself, how can I use this snow, what can I create? He took his mighty gusts and swirled up into the air to create gigantic pillars of ice and snow, a coliseum of glacier,  and cobblestones of crushed ice. The Great North Wind moved across his creation, flowing within the corridors and pathways, streets and alleys of his ice village, cutting out great archways. He created great sheets of ice like large mosaics on his pillars.

The Great Wind thought to himself, this is my creation, there should be a great monument  to my greatness. So he finds himself the brightest white purest snow and clearest of ice and he set upon creating a monument unto himself.

The Great Wind, while building his giant monument, which was much larger than his village, took so much time and effort, he lost track of time. Spring was suddenly looming around the corner. The trees in the ice village, ever so slowly began to bud. The buds were so minuscule and tiny that the great wind did not even see them.  Little blades of grass began pushing through the ice-mortar between the cobblestones of his city streets, again so very tiny, it did not arouse his suspicions as he was crafting his giant structure. The North Wind was still whirling and swirling with a great fervor, so much so that he didn’t realize that spring had begun to creep along his corridors and pathways.

As the North Wind was putting his finishing touches on his great monument, spring was slowly eroding all that he had created. The great pillars had slumped, the mosaics had dripped, his entire city now lay in a puddle upon the ground.  He was oblivious to his ice village’s demise. He stepped back to look at his magnificent monument and felt spring’s warmth tapping him on the shoulder. He turned with a gasp as he saw his hard work begin to run southward. His ice, now water cut pathways through the land. He knew his time for this year was up, once again spring was here.

Spring, not to be out done, now looked upon her creation, the Mississippi River with great pride. She thanked the North Wind, telling him to take a long vacation.

This Myth fits with many myths as it has an explanation for creating something that happens in nature, the creation of a river. It also has another theme common in myths which is the use of a God-like character.

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